Facts About The Blue Jay Bird


The Blue Jay is a white-faced bird with a distinctive blue crest, back, wings and tail. 
Male and female Blue Jays are almost identical in appearanceMales are just slightly larger than females.

Typically, a flock of blue jays will arrive at feeders screaming like hawks to scare away the other birds. Then,  showing other birds their blue and white feathers, sail into the empty feeders and begin to eat.

In Blue jays, Nuts are a particular favourite, including peanuts offered whole or already shelled. cracked corn, and sunflower seeds are other great options to attract jays. 

Blue jays Usually hold sunflower seeds in their feet, and hack a hole into the shell with the tip of their beak. When blue jays “swallow” a whole seed, they're actually putting it into their throat pouch to hide for later.

IwinterBlue Jays commonly carry away food from a feeding station, especially peanuts and sunflower seeds, to be hidden under trees and shrubs and eaten later. 

Blue Jays are seriously smart. They are a relative of ravens and crows, and  are extremely intelligent. In fact, many consider this bird to be one of the smartest birds on Earth.