4 Chicken facts: By R.R

                                4 Chicken facts: By R.R

1. The bird, known as chicken, has two different names depending on gender,  and rooster for male, and as many people think, chicken or hen for female. Actually no. Both genders are chickens, yet so many people get used to calling female birds of this species chickens, that it became normal over time.

2. Many people refer to all baby chickens as chicks, but the males may also be called, cockerel instead.

3. Most chickens live 5-10 years, shorter than most canaries do, I know you might be thinking that a bird's lifespan depends on it's size, kinda like a dog. Wrong! the chicken's closely related relative, the mourning dove has an average lifespan of 1 year in the wild!  

4. Black chickens, also known as the ancona chicken, is one of the only kinds of animal to have a completely black body, and if you can believe it, black organs and blood! So yeah, to make it basic these chickens are BLACK! Anyhow, one hen can cost up to 1,000$, while a normal hen can cost only 3$! There is really no reason to want to buy one, but most people are fascinated with these birds and are willing to spend heavy prices on them. Well, after all, there are only 1000 left in the world.
That is only 1/1000 of the budgie population! Ancona chickens are rare! 